5 Beautiful Sustainable Ideas To Do Whilst Staying In
The Coronavirus has shut down towns, cities, countries, and parts of our lives. It will be a time where most of our lives will be contained in our homes, with either ourselves or our family as company. It is and will be a very odd, confusing, and unsettling time. It is easy to panic and overthink headlines and get confused by fake news. We urge you to take a few moments of your day inside to find something beautiful and sustainable to do. Find beauty in the small, simple things. Take your time to enjoy the things one usually doesn’t think twice about normally.
If you don’t normally cook very much, this is the time. With restaurants, bars, and cafes shutting down for the foreseeable future, it is a good opportunity to sharpen your cooking skills. Start simple and work your way up. All of us at REV are focusing on making healthy, comforting plant-based food for ourselves, our partners, and flatmates. Keep your eye on our Instagram and editorial pages, as we are going to be sharing what we’re eating and easy recipes. Currently, we feel inspired by Tania Joy and CAP Beauty.
Sharing Positivity
Just because you’re social distancing and staying in more physically, doesn’t mean you have to be shut off from the world. Take this time to call loved ones and comfort each other during such an unsettling and confusing time. We are finding solace in the positivity that is being passed around social media. Share uplifting books, films, quotes, statistics to boost morale within your family, friend group, and social media following. We would love for you to take the time to listen to some of the amazing, inspiring guests we have interviewed for our podcast, REV On Air.
Have old pots sitting on your terrace or in your garden? Now is the time to create some new life as Spring has just arrived. Our co-founder Cora Hilts is using this time to do some gardening on her terrace, but you can even do some planting on your windowsill! Start with easy herbs, like thyme, rosemary, and mint – essentials for daily cooking. We are also planting bee-friendly flowers to help our extremely necessary winged friends. Plant flowers like lavender, geraniums, honeysuckle, and wildflowers that bees love!
During this time, it is essential to try and remain calm and not overthink headlines. It is also important to make sure you are moving your body. A zen yoga routine can help us all get some movement and calm into our day. If you are staying in with your partner or flat mate, make this routine something to do together to ensure you’re both moving! We are very inspired by The Sequence Project, an Instagram dedicated to beautiful yoga sequences. Send them a direct message on Instagram, and you’ll receive a copy of their immunity flow sequence, that aims to support the immune system. We will be practicing that sequence a few times a week in our favourite eco activewear by Indigo Luna and Vyayama.
Take this time to reconnect with your partner or yourself. A little self-love and pleasure are incredibly beneficial for the body and mind. Oxytocin, also known as the love hormone, that is released during these activities, actually acts as an anti-anxiety drug for the mind. It helps fight sadness, anxiety, and stress – all emotions that lots of us are feeling during this time. Enjoy some sustainable sex and self-love with Hanx products – completely natural lubricant and biodegradable and vegan condoms.