Reve en vert
we don't
sacrifice style
for ethics

Who we are.

Rêve En Vert is more than a luxury retail platform for sustainable and ethical goods – we offer an invitation to engage in the creation of a better world, and to make consumer choices that are in harmony with its natural balance.



The one thing all Rêve En Vert designers have in common above any other attribute is their fundamental desire to protect our natural world. We know that sustainability and consumption do not easily go hand in hand, but our curation of designers are challenging themselves to be the best possible versions of themselves when it comes to production and ingenuity.


Our Environmental Beliefs:


We believe in climate change.

We believe in zero waste.

We believe in getting rid of toxic chemicals.

We believe in respecting our waters.




It would be impossible to separate conscious design from conscious production, and that is where the human impact and consideration for all people comes into our consideration. There are still millions of people in forced, low paid and horrible labour and that has no place within the Rêve En Vert curation.


Our Social Beliefs:


We believe in fair and transparent working conditions.

We believe in slow and considered fashion.

We believe in supporting local and artisanal production.

We believe in individual empowerment.




At Rêve En Vert, we have nothing to hide along our supply chain. Most of our designers are still independently owned, and their economic policies go hand in hand with protecting people and planet.


Our Economic Beliefs:


We believe in second life materials (up/recycled)

We believe that less is more.

We believe cost should correlate to quality & longevity.

We believe in give-back/charitable giving.


At Rêve En Vert, we have nothing to hide along our supply chain.



The use of organic and natural materials is essential in all of our lines, ranging from fashion to beauty. Our designers are committed to sourcing the most ethical materials possible, with an emphasis on low-environmental impact and longevity. They use natural fibres and organic materials over synthetics due to their ability to biodegrade and leave less of a footprint at the end of their life cycles.


Re-made means that our designers are looking to use up-cycled and recycled materials as often as possible. In a world where we already have so much, we believe that reusing materials and resources is one of the biggest opportunities we have in creating more sustainable production.

Reve en vert sustainable fabric conscious lifestyle ethos

Our designers have an appreciation for their local communities and economies. They produce as close to their studio base as possible in most cases. They pay attention to their local communities and strive to give business back to them. They respect local traditions and ways of doing business.


Respect for the people making the products we choose to feature is key to us. We check for fair factory certification and make sure everyone is paid living wages. We also make sure respect is paid to the environment in all scenarios – from water use to avoidance of harsh chemicals.


A word from our CEO and Co-Founder, Cora Hilts


Running Rêve En Vert has been one of the greatest privileges of my life – it has given me passion and purpose at a time when often it’s easy to feel disenchanted with the world. However, sharing this platform with such a wonderful and engaged community fills me with hope everyday.


Rêve En Vert began as a mission between my co-founder Natasha Tucker and myself to change the way people consumed fashion to be more sustainable – it has grown with time to be much more that. With the evolution of the lives of the women behind REV, we have realised the importance of conscious consumption within much more than just our clothing. People get married, have babies, buy homes, change their skincare routines, etc. and we want to provide the best in ethical items we possibly can for all of these different times of your life.


Alongside our retail offering, the editorial and community sections of Rêve En Vert speak to the things that we learn about ourselves and want to share, questions raised in the REV office, or collaborations we are proud of. The only theme that connects everything is that the themes are around the utmost sustainable options we have as a collective humanity. I hope you enjoy it all and join our journey of creating harmony with the natural world through more conscious choices.

Cora "Co" Hilts

Cora Hilts co founder and CEO of reve en vert and team sustainable


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