Anna Barnett In Our Ren Sustainable Fashion Exclusive
Today we chat to the wonderful Anna Barnett – cook, author and Evening Standard contributor, all about her daily sustainable rituals and what is keeping her motivated during isolation. She also models our Ren London exclusive sustainable fashion capsule collection, and is wearing here our Delphine Kaftan in Indian Cotton off cut fabric.
Where is home for you?
Hackney, East London.
How are you beginning the mornings to start the day off right at this time?
Our home is at its brightest in the morning so we relish these times, it’s coffee followed by a freshly made juice with the radio on. If it’s on the chilly side, I’ll make up some porridge with fresh fruit and seeds.
What is motivating you at the moment?
The sunshine! I always feel like a different person when the sun shines! I’ve also been so excited to host the cookalongs via Instagram live. It’s been a really great way to bring my friends and community together and have us all interact together as one.
What is your normal style mantra?
Comfort is key. I love to layer and a smock is my kind of heaven.

What has your wardrobe consisted of whilst isolating at home?
Cosy oversized jumpers are my daily staple right now worn with my wide leg sweatpant style trousers and a sock and sandal.
What are life’s small pleasures for you right now?
My morning coffee and just being outside… looking up! The blossom is so beautiful right now too.
Do you have any health or wellness tips that you are following?
The morning juicing and smoothie making is definitely one way to make sure you consume plenty of fruit and vegetables. Plenty of herbal tea and copious amounts of fresh herbs on everything.

What has been your favourite thing to cook / eat?
Sourdough, I’ve enjoyed both the making and the eating! I did a class at E5 Bakehouse a while back and loved it. My friend then gave me a very detailed refresher tutorial via Facetime which I’ve loved. The results have been so mega!
How are you winding down at the end of the day?
An early evening walk, run or HIIT class in the park is doing just the job.
Finally, what does sustainability mean to you in these unprecedented times?
I think now more than ever it’s so important to support our local suppliers, farms, restaurants and any businesses which are part of our local community. Shopping small and as plastic free as possible is still as important as ever for us. We’ve been really mindful to continue to shop from our local grocers, even if it means lugging our basket across the park as well as being as mindful as possible around using up everything we’ve bought and letting nothing go to waste. When it comes to fashion I’m all about an investment piece that will last, that I’ll cherish and that I’ll wear time and time again.
Imagery from Anna Barnett who’s wearing our Delphine Kaftan.