
Conscious & Plant Based Living: Who’s Inspiring Us
At REV we believe in curating our Instagram feeds consciously, only following and engaging with those who inspire and uplift us. Here we share some of our favourite women who are living in harmony with Mother Earth, keeping us motivated to do the same!
Jenny Ong @jennyong
‘Slow life lover’ and ‘earth activist’, Jenny Ong captures natural living so beautifully. Her vibrant feed features snippets from her garden (and chickens!) and diarises the organic produce she has grown. We also love following Jenny for recipe inspiration, conscious beauty and book recommendations.
Mother The Mountain Farm @motherthemountain
The account we recommend to all our friends, Mother The Mountain Farm is the digital diary of two sisters who are living and farming regeneratively in Byron Bay. Anastasia and Julia so beautifully capture the wonder that is living in harmony with animals and the land, bringing us genuine joy and happiness!
Poppy Okotcha @poppyokotcha
‘Grower, forager and home cook’, Poppy Okotcha’s wonderful and vibrant Instagram feed diarises how to live consciously in the countryside, growing food in harmony with the land. We also love her beautifully illustrated simple guides to gardening at home and recipe inspirations!
Nitsa Citrine @nitsacitrine
Creator of Sun Potion, a line of organic and wild harvested tonic herbs and superfoods, Nitsa Citrine’s wonderful account is one of our favourites for all things conscious wellness, nutrition and sustainable living. Nitsa also shares resources from her incredible podcast, Soundfood which discusses topics including wellness, sustainable living, social activism and lots more!
Tiffany Alexander @tiffanyalex_
Co-founder of vintage shop, Almu, Tiffany Alexander’s feed is a gorgeous curation of sustainable living, wellness and plants. Tiffany also creates some inspiring and educational resources, one of our favourites being about connecting sustainability and wellness and speaks honestly about navigating motherhood.
Marianne Roussety @mroussety
We at REV are huge fans of Marianne Roussety’s beautiful artwork, and equally, the ethos behind it. Inspired by nature, Marianne produces her art in the most sustainable way with eco-friendly materials. Her feed is a truly stunning curation of art, conscious living and Australian landscape. Read our sustainable life interview with Marianne here!
P.S. Marianne wears The Wylde’s organic cotton Mizu Skirt.
Tania Joy Gault @taniajoyfjane
We love to follow Tania Joy for all things plant-based living and conscious pregnancy! As a holistic health coach, Tania is passionate about helping people to feel their best and this really shows through her uplifting and informative content. Local to us in London, she also provides some great recommendations for local and sustainable shopping! Read our interview with Tania here.
Lucette Romy @lucetteromy
Activist and environmentalist, Lucette Romy is an inspiration for anyone wishing to live more in harmony with Mother Earth. Lucette is the creator of conscious clothing label The Wylde, and her feed is a wonderful reflection of her personal values surrounding ethical business and organic living. Listen to our podcast episode with Lucette here!