Natural organic makeup by @kjaerweis

Natural organic mascara by @officialmanasi7
Why You Should Switch to an Organic Mascara
In our Hidden Toxic Secrets series (#REVDetox) we delve into the various hidden toxins in our lifestyles, deep diving into the facts of different industries and products which have harsh realities for our bodies and our earth that one may not know about. At Rêve En Vert we are passionate about becoming more educated ourselves in order to do better for our planet, our bodies, and for our communities and we always want to share everything that we learn with our audience. We know that it is hard to face some facts, so in this series, we will be not only providing you with the truths but also better, safer, and more sustainable options so you can feel proactive about your choices if you feel compelled to make a change. For our fourth edition, we explore the toxic side of one of our favourite makeup products, mascara.
Sadly, the beauty industry is full of plastic, chemicals, animal byproducts, and pollution.
Most companies lack transparency and make sales purely through fun campaigns and pretty packaging. I was shocked when I found out what was really in my makeup and just how much pollution it was causing. The beauty and personal care industry generates around £400 billion per year [source: National Geographic] and 120 billion units of packaging every year [source: Commercial Waste]. It is a continuously booming industry, thanks to social media, influencers, and the popularity of beauty Youtubers.
I think mascara is everyone’s go-to product, when they don’t have the time to do the rest of their face. However, some ingredients in conventional mascaras should be going nowhere near our delicate eyes! As I’ve discussed in past articles, lots of ingredients in products are unregulated and not even tested. The term fragrance can actually contain a whole list of toxic chemicals, that each company does not have to disclose. Using “fragrance” allows companies to hide all their dirty secrets.
The term fragrance can actually contain a whole list of toxic chemicals, that each company does not have to disclose. Using “fragrance” allows companies to hide all their dirty secrets.
Parabens are common preservatives found in mascaras, as they are added to stop the growth of bacteria. They are easily absorbed into the bloodstream through the pores around our eyes, and parabens have been linked to breast cancer, reproductive issues, and skin rashes.
Aluminium Powder
Aluminium powder is another common ingredient found in mascaras. It is used as a cosmetic colorant and EWG rates it as a high concern ingredient, as it is a neurotoxin that is considered to be far more dangerous than mercury. It interferes with cellular and metabolic processes in the nervous system and in other tissues [source: Medical Daily].
Ethanolamines are technically classified by the EWG as safe for cosmetic use, however, they are known allergens. Therefore, if you have sensitive skin or sensitive eyes, please stay away from this ingredient. The eyes are so sensitive and reactive, and ethanolamines can cause swelling and redness [source: Nguyen & Yiannias].
Be very wary when you see the term “fragrance” on the back of a mascara tube as you truly never know what is hiding under that ingredient. PFAs and PFCs, which are fluorinated chemicals, are commonly found in “fragrance,” in mascaras, and are ingredients to avoid at all costs. You’ve probably heard of one of these chemicals – Teflon, which thanks to DuPont was in the bloodstreams of almost every American and caused an array of deadly illnesses in at least 70,000 people [Source: The Guardian]. Teflon is commonly found in mascaras…
The Alternatives: Kjaer Weis
All of Kjaer Weis products are clean and full of organic ingredients that actually treat your skin and lashes, while you wear your makeup. They are incredibly transparent about all of their ingredients, so you know exactly what you’re putting on your face and eyes. The lengthening mascara instantly lifts and separates the lashes, as the cleverly designed wand holds just the right amount of product to produce the perfect flutter. Plus, this mascara really does last all day. My favourite thing about Kjaer Weis is their refill program, so when you’re done with this mascara, simply buy a refill so you are only buying the metal tube once!
The Alternatives: Manasi 7
Another favourite natural makeup brand is Manasi 7, as they only use the best organic and natural ingredients to produce some of the best makeup formulas out there. Their precision mascara is a beautiful and rich black shade, that effortlessly enhances the lashes and adds depth to the lash line. When you wear their mascara, your lashes get treated with sweet almond oil and castor seed oil, which together work to soften and hydrate the lashes. This formula is fragrance free, so if you have sensitive skin and or eyes, this is the perfect product for you!