Reve en vert Taylr Anne in of Origin jute natural sandals


Of Origin's Natural Comte Jute Sandals

Reve en vert Taylr Anne in of Origin jute natural sandals
Reve en vert Taylr Anne in of Origin jute natural sandals


“There is a lot of positive change happening right now which has been needed for a long time. Seeing all of this and experiencing the opportunity for a new beginning every morning has given me so much optimism.”

First of all, what has driven you to live a more sustainable life in the past?

As a surfer and someone who gets to enjoy the ocean every day, I notice how much trash is around every time I would go to the beach. This immediately made me reevaluate my own practices and how I can do better. Also working in the fashion industry, I try to be very conscious of my own purchases and how it is effecting the earth.


How have you seen using this time proactively – have you had any new habits or routines you have taken up that you would like to take with you into a post COVID world?

This time has allowed me to focus on projects I’ve wanted to do for a while, as well as passions I want to pursue. I’d love to take this balance into my life from now on. I feel happiest when I get to accomplish work, have free time and also spend time doing projects and ideas I have in my mind.


Are there any old habits or routines from life before lockdown that you would like to leave behind? 

This lockdown has forced me to slow down and accept things that I cannot control. Normally I get anxious over small stress, and during this time I have released that which has been liberating. This time has allowed me to focus on what I can control and it has really made me more centered.





Reve en vert Taylr Anne in of Origin jute natural sandals
Reve en vert Taylr Anne in of Origin jute natural sandals

Have you found that you are moving at a slower pace and if so, are you enjoying it? 

Yes I definitely am moving at a slower pace and I think it has been much needed for a while. Sometimes we get so caught up on our routines that the days go by so quickly. I have realized how much longer my days feel lately. It is such a blessing.


How are you beginning the mornings to start the day off right at this time?

My pup always wakes me up a few minutes before 6am. Being up this early has given me clarity in the peacefulness and sometimes when I feel like I need a few more minutes of rest, I will head back to sleep. My morning starts with a walk around the neighbourhood and a fresh cup of tea or coffee; this always makes me feel ready to tackle the tasks of my day.


How do you inform yourself throughout the day? What are you listening to, watching, reading to inspire yourself?

Especially lately with the current global issues, I have been doing my own research— and lots of it. From reading, movies, documentaries and podcasts, I am trying to educate myself and become the most educated I can be. When I am not focusing my energy on researching, I love to freely browse the Internet and books to find inspiring visuals to motivate my work life.


Do you have any personal life hacks for getting through the day in the most sustainable way possible?

I always bring my reusable totes to the market, reusable water bottle and coffee mug no matter where I go. Those three things have saved me from a lot of single use plastic. We have a water filter at home so we always make sure to fill up our water before we leave and we never buy plastic water bottles. We buy lots of organic fruits and veggies to eat and juice at home, and try to live the most sustainably as we know how. It is always a learning experience and everyday my fiancé and I try to be better.





Reve en vert Taylr Anne in of Origin jute natural sandals
Reve en vert Taylr Anne in of Origin jute natural sandals

What are life’s small pleasures for you right now that are helping keep you inspired and optimistic? 

Waking up healthy and happy every morning, being able to go to the beach every day, spending time with family, and diving into creative projects that have been on the back burner. All of these things spark so much joy and optimism during this time.


How are you winding down at the end of the day?

Cooking a nutritious meal, going to the beach to watch the sunset, watching a movie, and relaxing with my fiancé and our dog…all of these are perfect moments to me.


What is making you feel optimistic at this time?

There is a lot of positive change happening right now which has been needed for a long time. Seeing all of this and experiencing the opportunity for a new beginning every morning has given me so much optimism. The world can be very overwhelming, but spending my time focusing on things that make me happy has given me a new perspective on how much of an impact I can make.


Finally, what does sustainability mean to you in these unprecedented times?

Sustainability never stops. The world keeps going even during unprecedented times. Knowing this, we have to be extra conscious of our impact and how we can promote a healthy future for our earth.


Images from Taylr Anne

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