




Antipodean Home Regenerative Bedding

Antipodean Home is a regenerative organic bedding brand born out of New Zealand. They think a naturally healthy home is the foundation for a healthier, happier life. Antipodean works with regenerative cotton, wool, and other materials that come from climate-positive farms with revitalized soil to help remove and absorb excess carbon from the atmosphere. Their farmers use low-impact, regenerative methods that are free from harmful chemicals and pesticides to enhance the land’s natural functions.




Masaya Accent Chair

Masaya is my new sustainable furniture obsession with their incredible seed to seat ethos. After several years of establishing tree farms on deforested cow pastures, Maderas Sostenibles founded a production facility in Managua to fabricate furniture and wood products that continuously capture carbon in our everyday lives through furniture. Inspired by the artisanal nature of Masaya and the rich culture and nature found in Nicaragua, MasayaCo was born. Every design is handmade from renewable solid wood. We plant hundreds of thousands of trees each year. By annually planting more trees than they harvest, a replenishing cycle is established providing both environmental and economic benefits. So far, their designs have planted over 1.2 million trees. We love their accent chairs for a cozy addition to a sustainable guest room!




Avocado Mattress

This mattress is so incredible that after we received one for our own master bedroom, we knew we had to share the experience with guests in the hope that they might want to discover nontoxic mattresses themselves!




Color Co Blinds

My husband and I are so obsessed with these blinds that we have put them in every room of our house pretty much now! These blinds are all plant based and made from ethically sourced and easily renewable bamboo. They are also incredibly well made and unlike so many blinds can really hold up to usage from guests wanting to get a bit of shade in!




Medley Bed & Side Tables

These ethically built pieces are a dream come true for me – I have always wanted a white boucle bed and one made with all natural materials and sustainably sourced wood is the perfect solution. I would take their whole selection and you can find them here! 




Clare Paint

As with every room in our house, we have been wanting to use only non toxic and green guard certified paint. Clare has been my go to for every occasion with this. This is the perfect beige that still has a hint of warmth which we balanced with white floors. They are a female owned business and have gone through every level of sustainable checks for their paints. It’s a joy to work with them and get this colour on the walls!





Citizenry Rug

We have been adamant about wanting to work with independent brands that honour the makers and craftspeople and The Citizenry is great for that. They are 100% Fair Trade and a member of the WFTO. This rug was made in Mexico and I love that it is made from all natural wool.




Salt Farm Flowers

I truly don’t think you can do anything more lovely for your guests than having fresh flowers in the summer months….I am trying very hard to only have seasonal and local flowers in the house and have been thrilled to find a sustainable flower grower only 20 minutes away from us. So I have been making sure to support them whenever I want to include a beautiful and welcoming bouquet for our guests!




Follow along the day to day journey @corahilts on instagram! 

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Feldspar fine bone china white stem vase
Feldspar Studio
White Stem Vase
Casa Parini
Hemp Duvet Cover in White Bianco Puro
Daughters of Gaea
Osha Square Silk Cushion
Casa Parini
Hemp Pillows in Sage Salvia (Set of 2)
Feldspar studio handmade fine bone china cobalt blue cake stand
Feldspar Studio
Cobalt China Cake Stand


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