Celine Aagaard sustainable ethical fashion

@celineaagaard_ wears the Cannes dress by Envelope 1976.

Celine Aaagard sustainable ethical fashion
Celine Aaagard sustainable ethical fashion


What’s the first thing you do when you wake up? 

Drink a glass of water with lime, wake up my son, make green juice for the entire family and if it’s Monday morning, I get myself ready to take a swim in the sea. I do this all year round, summer and winter. Its healthy, refreshing and very cold in the winter – but at the same time it keeps my body and soul together in a good way, and I have not been sick at all this past year.


What’s your daily beauty routine?

Salt water!  That works for my hair and skin if I combine it with a rich organic cream. Green peel is part of my monthly routine – and Aloe Vera juice.


What are you listening to, watching, reading?

I listen to a  lot of Norwegian artists, Gundelach is a favourite. You should download this music and you will understand why. An amazing artist.

How would you describe your day to day style?

I like it to be casual, stylish and practical at the same time. Minimalistic and monochrome – like Envelope1976. My uniform is an oversized blazer, wide jeans with a swimsuit worn as a body and flats or heels. I always like to have the option to dress up or down without doing a lot of changes if the day at the office is ending up in a dinner with some clients or at our local spot in the city where I swim all year round. For me this lifestyle is also a huge part of the DNA of the brand. We design our garments to be worn differently and for me this is key for a sustainable wardrobe with only key items needed – the suit, the turtleneck, the swimsuit, the chunky knit and the wrap dress.


Do you have kids? If so, how do you incorporate a sustainable routine with them? 

I have a nine year old son and he has always been the best in the family when it comes to recycling – and was also the one who was the most active last summer when we did beach cleaning together in Sri Lanka. If we are visiting beaches in Norway, we always pick up the plastic. After our Sri Lanka trip, we arranged a recycling project at his school, where we talked about our passion for the ocean, and focused on how everyone can replace plastic with other things, and reduce and recycle. We did an art project – the kids were so willing to learn.

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Do you have any personal life hacks for getting through the day in the most sustainable way possible?

For me the green way of living has been a part of my life since I’ve grown up. I don’t drive, we grow our own vegetables in the garden, and I have been a vegetarian for 24 years. We try to make homemade meals every day, and eat organic as often we can. This is not a trend thing for me, it just comes naturally. I always take my bike to the office. I have my S’well bottles with water and my old Voss water bottles that we refill at the office when we have customers. I also try to avoid plastic cups, vegetables packed with plastic and stay away from take-away boxes in plastic. I re-use my clothes, and customize old garments.


How do you wind down at the end of the day? 

I’m not sure if I ever do…but the ocean gives me balance in life. So does my family.


What’s your night-time beauty ritual?

Remove makeup, drink more water and go to bed. I wish I could go to bed early, but I normally work till late, so the beauty sleep does not exist in my life. But this summer I had 2 months almost without any makeup!



Imagery from @celineaagaard_ and @envelope1976

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Envelope 1976 sustainable ethical fashion bahamas blazer in moss green
Bahamas Blazer in Moss

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