Model looking at the camera


@casaparini by @corahilts

A herbal tea as part of our mindful morning routine
Wilder Botanics natural skincare as part of our mindful morning routine


1. Start the day by not checking your phone right away!

The first item on our mindful morning routine list is to not check our phone. In the morning, your brain moves from delta waves seen in deep sleep to theta waves that happen during dreaming. The brain then moves to produce alpha waves when you are awake but are relaxed and not processing much information.

Seeing or reading something negative first thing in the morning can trigger your stress response and put you on edge for the rest of the day. Similarly, if you see unanswered work emails, you may feel compelled to respond even while you’re still lying in bed. That’s a problem. Julie Morgenstern, who wrote Never Check Email In the Morning, says, “Requests, interruptions, surprises, reminders, and problems are endless.” “Most things can wait at least 59 minutes.” So, when you wake up, think about what you’re grateful for and excited about. Then, try to do a few of the steps below before grabbing your phone!

2. Drink a full glass of water.

The second item on our morning routine list is simple. Drink a glass of water. Since you can’t sip while you snooze, your body is naturally in a dehydrated state in the morning, says Dr. Kelley. Drinking water when you wake up can help. You might feel thirsty as soon as your alarm rings. “Drinking water when you wake up replenishes the lost liquid, including [the fluids] you might have lost during the night,” Dr. Li confirms. This is especially true if you sleep with your mouth open or in a warm room, and even more so if you drank alcohol (a natural diuretic) the night before, he adds.

Dehydration happens naturally while you sleep. It can make you feel tired and dizzy, says the National Library of Medicine. Drinking a glass of water first thing in the morning can help. It starts the rehydration process and gives your tissues and organs the fluids they need right away.




Home, Helg Clear Tumblers – Set of 2, £80

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Home, Helg Bevenda Glasses – Set of 2, £88

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3. Make yourself an organic coffee or a beautiful herbal tea.

The third item on our morning routine list is something you can look forward to. Making yourself an organic coffee or a beautiful herbal tea! A small morning ritual can be helpful. Enjoying a cup of organic coffee or tea is a great way to start your day!) Coffee, or herbal tea if you avoid caffeine, is a great way to tell your mind and body it’s time to start the day. If you can spare five minutes to make one of these, it’s a great way to practice mindful thinking. You’ll fit two practices into one!




Collections, Inner Beauty Tea, £22

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Collections, Flourish Tea, £19

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4. Take a moment to practice mindfulness and set some intentions for the day.

Mindfulness can lower stress and boost immune function. You can practice this by meditating, breathing deeply, or simply enjoying the moment. We live in a stressful time. Self-care is essential to help us handle life’s challenges. The mind is a powerful tool. So, taking time to nurture it is very important. A must-have on your mindful morning routine list.

5. Splash some cold water on your face and follow it with clean skincare.

This is an item we love having on our mindful morning routine list! Cold water can provide a refreshing sensation on your skin, leaving you feeling more awake and alert. It can also improve blood circulation in your skin, which can help give your complexion a healthy, radiant glow. Finally, cold water can help reduce puffiness and swelling in your face by constricting blood vessels. This can be especially helpful in the morning when your face is often more swollen from sleep. After splashing your face, use clean, organic, plant-based skincare. This helps your skin stay healthy. The ingredients are toxin-free and nurture your skin for a great day.




Beauty, Clean Collagen Serum, £117

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Beauty, Kansa Wonder Wand Ayurvedic Beauty Tool, £69

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6. Try and get outside for a little sunshine.

The sixth item on our mindful morning routine list is morning sunlight exposure. It helps control our sleep-wake cycle and keeps our circadian rhythm balanced. This exposure helps us fall asleep faster at night and wake up feeling refreshed. Morning sunlight helps improve sleep patterns. It provides vitamin D, boosts your immune system, lowers stress, and helps mental health.

Getting morning sunlight can be very beneficial for our mood and mental health. Natural sunlight helps us stay alert, promotes vitamin D production, and boosts serotonin levels. This increased level of serotonin has been proven to improve sleep quality at night. So try to take a short walk, or even open your window and allow the light to touch your face for a minute or so if it’s impossible to leave the house! An easy item to add to your mindful routine.





Beauty, Ultra Light Sun Block SPF 50+, £50

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Beauty, High Protection Sun Cream SPF30, £43

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7. Get in some movement - whether it’s yoga, a walk, or simple stretching.

It is no secret, working out makes you feel good. Which you might know firsthand. And why this item is firmly on our mindful morning routine list. A 2018 review in the Journal of Happiness Studies found that people who exercise regularly, even briefly, are happier than those who don’t. After exercising, people have lower levels of stress hormones, like cortisol. This helps improve mood. So, feeling cheerful in the morning can be beneficial. You’ll start your day feeling optimistic and less susceptible to stress and anxiety, setting you up for a positive, productive day.




Baby, Lounge Bra in Black, £60

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Activewear, Lounge Leggings in Black, £70

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8. Start off with your preferred supplement.

The eighth item on our mindful morning routine list is a healthy supplement. A balanced diet with whole foods is key for good nutrition. But supplements can help fill gaps. They also give your immune system the boost it needs to stay strong.

So, what exactly do supplements bring to the table when it comes to supporting immune health? Let’s begin by looking at the key vitamins and minerals that support a strong immune system. Vitamin C is known for its immune support. It helps boost your body’s defenses and fight off infections. Then there’s vitamin D, known for its immune-modulating effects and ability to enhance the function of immune cells. Zinc is important for immune function. It helps make antibodies and controls inflammation.




Fitness & Wellness, Essential Day to Day Women’s Supplement, £115

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Fitness & Wellness, Essential Day-to-Day Men’s Supplement, £115

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9. Make a whole foods breakfast with a nice amount of protein.

We have all heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. So how could it not make the mindful morning routine list. Eating breakfast provides energy to power into your day and help your body perform at its best. 

“If you start with a healthy, satisfying meal in the morning you’re less apt to nibble on less nutritious things during the day, which we often do out of hunger — you grab the first or easiest thing in front of you.” – Dr. Christy C. Tangney, PhD.




10. Try and listen to something positive.

The tenth item on our morning routine list is to do with the news. There is a lot of negative news out there, but try and listen to something positive. We like to cite this study as to why diving into the deadlines first thing in the morning might not be the best for us.

Harvard’s Shawn Achor, psychologist Michelle Gielan, and Arianna Huffington, founder of HuffPo, collaborated. They tested how brief news exposure affected 110 study subjects. Half of these volunteers consumed the usual grim fare found in newspapers for three minutes. The other half watched more uplifting stories. “Individuals who watched just three minutes of negative news in the morning had a whopping 27% greater likelihood of reporting their day as unhappy six to eight hours later compared to the positive condition,” the researchers continued. In short, just a few minutes of glancing at negative headlines has a pretty good chance of ruining your mood all day.

This doesn’t mean we should ignore the world’s events. In fact, it’s more important than ever to understand the challenges facing humanity and the environment. Being depressed all day doesn’t help anyone. So, try to wait until later in the day to check the news. This way, you can process it better. You might even think of solutions or find ways to contribute meaningfully to the world.

Finally, a little lip color can go a long way!

We always think that less is more when it comes to beauty, but the benefits that a pop of color has on our mood is also something we love to embrace! Even if it is a makeup free da




Beauty, Prickly Pear Revitalising Face Cream, £140

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Bridal, Sydney at 8am Lipstick, £26

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Morning routine, sorted. Check out our other wellness reads:


Our mindful evening routine list

An Earth Flow Fascia yoga session with Johanna Ljunggren

Detox your skincare routine

Our Mindful Morning Routine Essentials

R+D.Lab sustainable ethical glassware
Helg Clear Tumblers – Set of 2
Feldspar gold tea mug
Feldspar Studio
Gold Handle Tea Mug
Terra Tonics
Clean Collagen Serum
Essential Day to Day Women’s Supplement
Jorgen House
Lounge Leggings in Black

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