Reve en vert sustainable living conscious mothering interview with Sydney Porter

@lili__peper for @_juem_


Reve en vert sustainable living conscious mothering interview with Sydney Porter
Reve en vert sustainable living conscious mothering interview with Sydney Porter


“Becoming a mother has allowed me to develop a very deep relationship with the mothering spirit of our own great planet, and I’d do anything to protect and care for her.”




What’s the first thing you do when you wake up? 

Breastfeeding! I co sleep with my daughter, who is 10 months old now and without fail if she’s awake before me she’s breastfeeding and even when she’s still asleep there’s a pretty good chance that she’s eating then too. After she’s had her ‘breakfast’ we have some snuggle time in bed, and play some fun little wake up games together to start the day on a happy note. 


What are you having for breakfast?

Recently my go to has been a green smoothie! I’ve been making it with spinach, kale, moringa, ashwagandha, apples, figs, strawberries, banana, and oat milk! Health is one of my top priorities so I always aim to have something very nutrient dense and energizing for breakfast. 


What’s your daily beauty routine?

In reality my beauty routine has simplified to just the bare necessities, quite literally. On a daily basis the most I’ll do that’s even remotely related to beauty is brushing my teeth when I wake up and washing my face. On my skin I use 100% pure african black soap (I’ve had the same container of it for 5 years!) and a blend of oils to keep my skin moisturized! If I plan on leaving the house or seeing anyone that day then I usually use some clear gel on my eyebrows, curl my eyelashes, and throw on a little blush. 


How would you describe your day to day style?

If I could use one word to describe my style it would be ‘Earthy’. When I get dressed everyday I want to look like how I feel. For the past 4 years or so I’ve been working to strengthen my connection to the planet, and now even when I’m not in nature I feel that I carry the essence of Mama Earth with me. My goal is to have a wardrobe that reflects that sense of groundedness I’ve developed within.





Reve en vert sustainable living conscious mothering interview with Sydney Porter

How do you inform yourself throughout the day? What are you listening to, watching, reading?

Honestly as of recent, I haven’t really been consuming much when it comes to books, music, or media. In the past few weeks I’ve tried indulging in a series that peaks my interest or reading some novels, but I can’t say that I love how it influences my thoughts/actions. I tend to get really involved in stories, made up tales, and adventures…but at this moment in time the amount of mental energy that gets pulled into these dramas feels like a waste of my mental space. 

As far as music goes, I really don’t listen to much outside of mantras, meditation music, and chants. I like to be extremely intentional about everything that I’m intaking, it all has such a large impact on how I show up in the world. 


Do you have any personal life hacks for getting through the day in the most sustainable way possible?

One thing that has been a guiding force for me in my day to day is imagining the results of my actions played out in the long term. I think that the vast majority of people (especially in western culture) don’t often think about the impact that their choices have on a global scale. Reminding myself that everything I purchase, every choice I make, and do not make, it all affects much much more than just me. In a way I use this idea as a tool to hold myself accountable in making decisions that may not be the simplest or most convenient, but that benefit the greater good instead of just me alone. 


How has becoming a mother changed your perspective on sustainability?

The biggest thing that I’ve learned from my journey into motherhood is that all life is truly sacred. Each being and every living creature is all a part of such a beautifully crafted and delicate global ecosystem. To think that we humans are ruining the precious creations of Mother Earth and doing irreversible damage in the name of convenience and ignorance…it’s simply something that I won’t stand for. In short I’d say that becoming a mother has allowed me to develop a very deep relationship with the mothering spirit of our own great planet, and I’d do anything to protect and care for her, as we should with all of those who carry the title of “Mother”.





Reve en vert sustainable living conscious mothering interview with Sydney Porter

“I like to think that I’m on a journey of regenerative living. Meaning that the choices I make and how I choose to live enrich and nurture the life of the planet, not just sustain it.”

How do you wind down at the end of the day?

It depends on my mood…but it’s usually along the lines of writing in my journal or reading a good book, and having a few squares of dark chocolate with some tea! 


What does dinner time look like for you?

My family and I have been doing quite a bit of traveling this past month, so our typical dinner routine hasn’t really been a plausible daily thing for us, but when we do get the chance to be ‘home’ together for dinner I’m most likely making a veggie bowl with quinoa or some hearty winter soup! Nutrient dense, love filled food is the way to my heart so being present and full of gratitude at mealtimes is something that I strive for everyday.


What’s your night-time beauty ritual?

It’s exactly the same down to the T as my daytime beauty routine! 


What does sustainability mean to you?

I like to think that I’m on a journey of regenerative living. Meaning that the choices I make and how I choose to live enrich and nurture the life of the planet, not just sustain it. I’m the kind of person who is very intentional and literal with their words, so to say that I’m living ‘sustainably’ feels inaccurate to me. It also really helps my overall mindset as I move about my day as I envision doing things to regenerate and renew mamas earth instead of just ‘sustaining’ her health and wellbeing.





Reve en vert sustainable living conscious mothering interview with Sydney Porter

What drives you to live a sustainable life?

Compassion. That’s the biggest thing for sure. Our planet is a living sentient being, and should be treated as such. I think it’s very important to create a healthier world for us humans and all the creatures that we coexist with, but I feel that it’s also equally as important to show love and care to the great being that supports all of our lives. Once I began seeing the planet as its own separate entity and not just a big rock that we live on, there was no way that I could continue living in a way that brought harm to this great place we call home.


Finally, what are three changes you would like to take from this time to move forward with in a more sustainable way?

Ideally if I had the ability and resources it would be these three things:

1 Build a home made from earth and recycled materials. One that would be fully self sustaining with solar power, rainwater collection, and ‘earth powered’ heating and cooling.

2 Start up a permaculture farm and grow as many fruits and veggies as I possibly could! As well as purchasing a kangen water machine for my home! I’ve been eyeing one for quite a while but have yet to make the investment.

3 And last but not least, trade my jeep for a fully electric car! I’ll most likely get a Tesla when the time is right.



Words and imagery from @thesydneyporter

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