@nadineartemisofficial creator of @livinglibationsofficial

Natural organic skincare by Living Libations
REV On Air: Chemicals Have No Place in Beauty with Nadine Artemis of Living Libations
Nadine Artemis is a gifted aromacologist and visionary who gathers and works with the purest ingredients from around the world. Through Living Libations, Nadine offers beauty and natural health products that bring out the strength of the botanicals without reliance on synthetics. Her expertise is highly sought after and we are very pleased to be able to share it with you all here. We discuss the importance of adopting not only a clean beauty routine, but taking a holistic look at our overall healthy and trying to live more in harmony with nature and all it has to offer.
Conversation Starters From This Episode:
Are natural organic ingredients really the secret to nourishing and healing our skin?
What are the potentially toxic ingredients in conventional toothpaste and what is the ‘clean’ alternative?
Why is vitamin D so important for our skin health and general immune wellbeing?
Useful links for this episode.
Follow Nadine on Instagram.
Nadine’s incredible book, Renegade Beauty.
Learn more from Nadine over on her editorial page.