
Jesse Smith, Director Of Land Stewardship @white_buffalo_land_trust

Jesse Vineyard Testing


Acorn Harvest Volunteer Day @white_buffalo_land_trust

“Human ingenuity is one of the most undervalued potential energy sources that we actually can consider, which is interesting because it resides within us. We have had a heavy hand in putting ourselves in a sticky situation, but I think that if we can really attune to natural cycles and systems and recognize ourselves as part of nature, not separate from it, and bringing a new mindset to it then there’s so much potential of what we can do.”


Jesse Smith

About Jesse

Jesse is the Director of Land Stewardship and is guiding the development of the Jalama Canyon Ranch as well as working with local and global leaders to broaden and deepen the positive impact of regenerative agriculture on our soil, our health, and our communities. His passion and expertise in agricultural system design and community engagement are a cornerstone of our strategy to achieve a systemic shift towards a regenerative food economy and ecology.





Useful links for this episode.


The White Buffalo Land Trust Website.

@white_buffalo_land_trust on Instagram.

Campaign for Jalama, their 1,000 Acre Center for Regenerative Agriculture.

Figure Ate Foods by White Buffalo Land Trust.


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