Reve en vert interview with Tata Harper sustainable living natural beauty



Reve en vert interview with Tata Harper sustainable living natural beauty
Reve en vert interview with Tata Harper sustainable living natural beauty


5:00 am

I like to wake up early and get a head start on the day. It sounds cliche, but living on the farm and hearing the roosters crowing in the morning really makes the wake up so much easier and feels much more natural. I used to have the habit of checking my email first thing in the morning, but now I am making an effort to meditate for about 15 minutes before I fully plug-in. I’ve found that practicing breathing exercises has really helped me feel more centered and focused throughout the day. After that, I quickly scan through my emails and respond to anything that is super urgent.


Activewear, Geneva Compression Leggings in Green, £160

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Collections, Inner Beauty Tea, £22

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5:30 am

While the kids are still sleeping, I always try to get outside and walk the dogs. It’s so peaceful on the farm in the morning and it’s before everyone arrives so it’s the only time where it’s truly quiet. I’ll say hi to the animals and sometimes pick fresh fruits and veggies from the garden. It’s a nice way to get my body moving in the morning before I head to the gym. Right now I see a personal trainer virtually and focus on core strengthening exercises. Working out in the morning has tons of health benefits like lowering blood pressure and helping you to feel balanced and level headed. I don’t exercise to be fit, but to feel both mentally and physically strong. For me, it’s really the most effective stress reducer.




Reve en vert interview with Tata Harper sustainable living natural beauty

6:30 am

I will hop in the shower right after my workout to refresh my skin and body before I do my skincare routine. I believe that more is more when it comes to my skincare and I use a multitude of our products everyday, twice a day. I always start by exfoliating with Regenerating Cleanser – exfoliating daily really lets my skin breath and glow since it gets rid of any build up that accumulates overnight, it also helps products absorb better. I follow with Hydrating Floral Essence to help prep my skin for treatment and help my serums penetrate deeper. Then it’s all about layering — I use Elixir Vitae on my whole face, next I’ll use Elixir Vitae Eye Serum, and then Repairative Moisturizer.

7:30 am

By the time I wake up the kids, I’m dressed and ready to go for the day. I make them breakfast, organize their activities, and spend some time with them outside. In the summer months, we love to walk down to the berry bushes and pick fresh fruit off the trees for their oats or yogurt.

8:30 am

My meetings typically start at 8:30am and I am in them back-to-back most of the day. I’ve been living on the farm this summer and I’ve loved being able to work outside on my porch to get fresh air throughout the day. The porch wraps around the house and overlooks the fields with the cows and gardens. When I have breaks in between calls, I love to check in on what’s cooking in our batch room or I’ll try some of the new products our chemists are formulating in the lab.




Reve en vert interview with Tata Harper sustainable living natural beauty

10:30 am

I do intermittent fasting until around 10:30 when I will have a celery juice. I find that it really helps with digestion and is best on an empty stomach. It is packed with vitamins and minerals and is filled with phytonutrients that have anti-inflammatory properties. Celery juice is certainly not enough to hold me over until lunch, so I’ll wash and cut up some of my favorite raw fruits and veggies. I love mangoes, blackberrys, peaches, and whatever else is in season. I’ll typically have a tulsi tea with ginger along with my fruit – it’s a lot of liquids, but hydration is so important for your body and skin!

1 pm

By 1pm, I am always starving for lunch! I try to have lunch with my kids whenever they aren’t in school, doing their activities, or in camp. My typical lunch is a bed of greens with a piece of fish or plant-based protein. I like to fill my salad with veggies and seeds for the extra vitamins and nutrients because they keep me full for longer.

1:30 pm

After lunch, it’s back to meetings for the rest of the day. My calls typically wrap up at around 6pm and I’ll help the kids with their homework before we sit down for dinner. They have been loving this healthy pasta recipe made with chickpea pasta and loaded with veggies from our garden. I sneak in spinach and kale that wilts down and they don’t even know they are getting all those extra greens! We almost always have Colombian chocolate for dessert – I bring some back everytime we visit – it’s such a special treat and it reminds me of home.




Reve en vert interview with Tata Harper sustainable living natural beauty

3 pm

In the afternoons, I spend an hour or so with our photographer shooting on the farm. I am a creative person, so I find this time to be super calming in between meetings and calls. We try to source a lot of our props on the farm and we use our natural backdrop for the photos – it’s authentic and organic and embodies our brand ethos.



Fashion, Linen Oversized Shirt in White, £179

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Fashion, Claudette Top, £140

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8:30 pm

I get the kids ready for bed and then draw myself a bath to wind down. I love to use a body scrub in the bath and I’ll read – I am loving Becoming Supernatural by Joe Dispenza. It’s all about how the mind body connection can transform and change your life.

9:30 pm

I’ll get in bed at around 9:30 and end the day with some meditation. I find that visual meditation helps with sleep, especially if after looking at a screen all day. I always keep my phone across the room at night to help with this – I try my best to disconnect and relax my mind…  before I wake up and do it all over again in the morning!


Imagery from @tataharperskincare and @tataharper



Bath and Shower, Sleep Collection, £135

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Bath and Shower, Earthy Organic Bath Oil, £35

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